Monday to Friday 9am until 6pm. Saturday to Sunday: Closed
Firewood / Kindling
Firewood / Kindling

Excellent kiln dried firewood logs of 25cm or 33 cm length will fit 99% of stoves. Clean and free of fungi damage. Prepared for immediate burning on all wood-burning appliances.

Kiln dried logs provide you with the ultimate burn quality with maximum heat output. The kiln drying process in our wood fired kilns remove most of the water for you, down to below an average of 18% moisture content.

Our quality kindling bags contain a pine or mix of softwood catches fire quickly and hardwood that burns a bit longer and hotter. They are a consistent size and the ideal shape to use in wood burners, fireplace or outdoors in BBQ’s.


Regular firewood
Premium firewood
Wood Birch, oak, ash, aspen, alder, hornbeam, pine, spruce Birch, pine Pine or mixed
Diameter, сm 9 – 15
Diameter, inch 3,5” – 6”
Length, сm 25 or 33 25 or 33 25 or 33
Length, inch 10”or 13” 10” or 13” 10” or 13”
Humidity, % Air dried / kiln dried, 18-22 % Kiln dried, 12-15 %
Packaging 30L Nets or Crate: 1,0m3; 1,6m3; 1,8m3; 2,0m3 22L Nets


Our products are available for delivery in United States;

West Europe: United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, France;

Middle East and Asia: Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan, India;

Please ask your manager about details.
Since we are manufacturers, we can offer you the best terms. Contact us, to get your price.